Massage Therapy

Your massage session will typically consist of a combination of several bodywork styles and techniques depending on your needs and goals on any given day. The following are a few of the main styles offered. Please note: I no longer accept new massage clients.

Swedish Relaxation

The ultimate in relaxation, Swedish massage traditionally employs long, flowing strokes over the entire body to increase circulation, boost the immune system and bring you to a place of calm and serenity. It will ease the tension in your body while soothing your busy mind. Allow yourself to escape from the stress of your life in a place where you can mentally “check out” and let someone else take care of you for a change. Who doesn’t need that?

Deep Tissue

This is a more focused type of massage used to address problem areas you may be experiencing, whether it be a past or present injury; a repetitive motion strain; migraines; that nagging neck and back pain from sitting at your desk all day; or the stress, tension and headaches that just sometimes accompany life. Deep tissue massage typically uses a little more pressure and more targeted techniques to address those more stubborn areas. However, this doesn't mean it needs to be painful. In fact, it is often more effective and longer lasting to work slower and deeper and ease into the tissue, rather than just jamming an elbow in there! The goal is to give an effective massage to help resolve the issues that brought you in, while at the same time leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed when you walk out the door.


Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine that uses a combination of massage movements and negative pressure with the use of suction cups on the skin. A cup is positioned at the area to be treated, creating a vacuum within the cup to draw the skin and underlying tissue into the cup. The vacuum creates a suction effect that increases blood and lymphatic circulation systemically and to the local area, relaxes muscle and supporting tissue, and draws stagnation and toxins out of the body, reducing many pain-causing factors. Cupping has many benefits, including decreased pain and inflammation, increased blood and lymph flow, as well as feelings of relaxation and well-being. Many clients love it!

60 minutes … $95

Perfect for a full-body relaxation massage or deep tissue massage focusing on one or two problem areas. May include a combination of any of the above techniques to custom fit the session to your individual needs.

90 minutes … $125
When you need that extra time to allow your mind and body to wind down or if you have more than two problem areas that need specific attention. May include a combination of any of the above techniques to custom fit the session to your individual needs.